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1 trademark in 1 class protection
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1 trademark in 1 class protection
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1 trademark in 1 class protection
Reviewed by Trademark Attorney
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We are passionate about educating business owners on the benefits of trademarking.
Having a company name, business name, domain name, or sales history does not legally give you the right to use that brand name! Only a trade mark registration in the country where you operate, provides you the exclusive legal rights to your brand name.
Top 3 benefits of trade mark registration
Here are the top 3 benefits of trade marking your brand name in Australia:
In a social media fight over a brand name, the social media platform companies are not interested in weighing into the brand rights battle, so they will always side with the trade mark brand owner. So, you better make sure you own a trade mark for your brand! Without it, the business owner will find it difficult to win.
Imagine, you spend so many years harnessing and vying for followers let’s say 25,000 or more, then one day you find that your site/page has been taken down due to a trade mark infringement complaint. Make sure you own a trade mark to ensure you will be able to get the social media platform to re-active your account! If you don’t have a trade mark, it’s difficult to prove ownership even if you were the first to use the brand!
A third party is copying you in the market place. Without a trade mark registration, no-one can assist you easily. Of course, there are common law rights for first use (and the lawyers would love to help you) however it is a difficult establish and costly. With a trade mark registration, you have the legal rights to that brand name. Full stop!
See real life client case study. CLICK HERE
Often we tell small business owners that, the reality of trade marking your brand name is to ensure you have continuous use of your brand name without fear that a third party in the future will ask you to change your brand name. Often, litigation over infringement matters may be expensive and small business owners may not have the funds to take everyone to court. But at least they have peace of mind, that they own the legal rights to the brand name and they every investment they make into the business is secured.

We are passionate about educating business owners on the benefits of trademarking.
Having a company name, business name, domain name, or sales history does not legally give you the right to use that brand name! Only a trade mark registration in the country where you operate, provides you the exclusive legal rights to your brand name.
Top 3 benefits of trade mark registration
Here are the top 3 benefits of trade marking your brand name in Australia:
In a social media fight over a brand name, the social media platform companies are not interested in weighing into the brand rights battle, so they will always side with the trade mark brand owner. So, you better make sure you own a trade mark for your brand! Without it, the business owner will find it difficult to win.
Imagine, you spend so many years harnessing and vying for followers let’s say 25,000 or more, then one day you find that your site/page has been taken down due to a trade mark infringement complaint. Make sure you own a trade mark to ensure you will be able to get the social media platform to re-active your account! If you don’t have a trade mark, it’s difficult to prove ownership even if you were the first to use the brand!
A third party is copying you in the market place. Without a trade mark registration, no-one can assist you easily. Of course, there are common law rights for first use (and the lawyers would love to help you) however it is a difficult establish and costly. With a trade mark registration, you have the legal rights to that brand name. Full stop!
See real life client case study. CLICK HERE
Often we tell small business owners that, the reality of trade marking your brand name is to ensure you have continuous use of your brand name without fear that a third party in the future will ask you to change your brand name. Often, litigation over infringement matters may be expensive and small business owners may not have the funds to take everyone to court. But at least they have peace of mind, that they own the legal rights to the brand name and they every investment they make into the business is secured.
